
Franchise Sales
A man with brown hair smiles while looking at a laptop

Defining Your Franchise’s Unique Selling Points and Showcasing Them to Potential Franchisees

Owning a franchise is an exciting opportunity to apply your business acumen and take your career in a new direction. While many franchises come with built-in brand recognition and buying power, you will still need to grow your business and attract new potential franchisees. Defining your unique selling points is the best way to accomplish these goals. 


A man wearing glasses and a sweater smiles while tapping a tablet

Leveraging LinkedIn to Attract New Franchisees

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for attracting new franchisees if you know how to use it. It lets you showcase your achievements, share business updates with potential partners and engage them directly on what is generally considered a “trusted platform.” The key to ensuring success on LinkedIn is to optimize your profile, and there are a few ways to do that.


A blurred image of businesspeople in a meeting

6 Quick Ways to Grow Your Qualified Leads

Sales and Development Executives in franchising are always looking for ways to increase qualified lead flow to sell more franchise units. Many marketers are finding that purchased leads do not convert at the same rate as leads gained through organic search. Often it is thought that the more leads the better, but we have learned that it’s about the quality of the lead in the first place that can make all the difference. Quality over quantity is the way to go in this instance. The world of franchise development is changing every day. With so much information available about almost every business model, it’s difficult to get prospects interested in your brand over others. We’ve put together 6 ways that you can elevate your marketing efforts in order to return more qualified leads.


A businessman zooms into graphs on his tablet during a meeting

Highlights from the Franchise Sales Index Report: Mid-Year Update

Our annual FranConnect Franchise Sales Index Report features real-world data culled from our brands spanning across the franchise platform. After an eventful yet encouraging first half of 2021, for the first time ever we are looking at the data mid-year for an in-the-moment view on the state of franchise development. This data offers significant insights for franchisors looking to grow and develop their franchise brands and make the right sales and marketing investments. Peering into the data of how franchisors handled the first half of the year reveals some promising signs. It may be too soon to say, but it seems that most verticals are showing improvements on key metrics. In this post, we will share some of the high-level findings, and give you access to a webinar where the report’s author, Keith Gerson, will break down everything you need to know.


A man draws designs on a clear whiteboard

5 Ways to Elevate Your Franchise Development Website

The franchise development website is an essential sales tool, helping brands accomplish several objectives at once: generate leads, prescreen prospects, share the brand story, and facilitate growth in target markets.


A field agent visits a restaurant and talks to the head chef

How to Refine your Franchise Business Consultant Program to Improve Performance

Franchise business consultants have always been critical drivers of brand success, but their role has shifted considerably over the years and continues to evolve today.


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