
Franchisee Engagement
A restaurant owner talks to the head chef during a meeting

How to Do Ongoing Franchisee Monitoring Right

As franchise owners, you know that franchisee engagement can have a material impact on the bottom line. A study of 300 brands from Franchise Business Review and InGage Consulting found that engaged franchisees are 3.7 times more profitable than non-engaged franchisees.


A male franchisee and a female franchisor meet to discuss the franchise

3 Must-Have Ingredients for Franchisee Engagement

Franchising is a proven way to scale your business by distributing the risk and the reward across a community of franchisees. Yet, most franchisors struggle with engaging their franchisees, who are often the lifeblood of their growth and success. No matter how big or small you are as a company–you can’t afford to have franchisees struggle because they don’t have enough engagement with their parent brand.


A group of people meet at a table while two of them shake hands

Community Marketing Tips for Franchisees

Community marketing is the one thing you want to get right for your franchisees. While you may have a marketing team, branding agency, or even a vendor that updates your social media, you can never outsource it completely.

There is no shortage of vendors that try to sell the magic bullet of marketing. Just like a sales professional trying to sell an “easy” weight loss program or a “fast” way to make money, they position it as a cake-walk once you make a hefty investment.

The truth is, marketing is exactly like getting to a healthier weight or making a more satisfying income; it is a step-by-step journey, where you learn along the way with true rewards at the end. But it is certainly not a cake-walk — no matter how many people try to sell it that way.

For a more realistic look at how you can build community marketing into your franchisees’ day-to-day processes, consider the tips below.


A man in an apron working in a salon looks at his tablet

Virtual Visits in Franchising

FranConnect works with 700 franchisors, and many are facing the same dilemma:


A calendar for April 2021

How to Engage Franchisees in Better Budgeting and Planning

Unless you’ve spent the past year under a rock, you know that every business sector has experienced uncertainty this year — and that includes franchising. As we approach 2021, no one really knows what to expect from the upcoming year. What will revenues look like? Will franchise units return to full operations, or will they continue to operate at a reduced capacity? How will consumer buying habits evolve along with the pandemic and the economy?


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